MMPI-2 personality test

According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA, 2013, Polish edition 2018), personality should be understood as a pattern of perceiving, relating and thinking about the world and oneself.

According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA, 2013, Polish edition 2018), personality should be understood as a pattern of perceiving, relating to and thinking about the world and oneself. The task of a properly functioning personality is to maintain a positive self-image and adequate boundaries, to decide one's actions in pursuit of short- and long-term goals, to understand and take into account other people's perspectives, and to be able to form interpersonal bonds based on reciprocity.

We provide the opportunity to diagnose personality disorders with the most comprehensive and universal clinical assessment tool available - the Minnesota Multidimensional Personality Inventory (a full adaptation of the MMPI-2 was released in 2012).

  • The test includes ten control scales to describe the reliability of the obtained profile of results and justify their clinical interpretation.
  • The control scales can also inform the diagnostician about the test subject's motivation, his level of adaptation and possible defense mechanisms. The test itself includes the main clinical scales, but also additional and content scales, which allows for a broader picture of the subject's functioning.
  • The MMPI-2 Inventory generates results that may indicate the absence or insignificant abnormalities in personality functioning, but also noticeable abnormalities, particularly highlighted traits that make it difficult for the person tested to meet his essential needs, set and achieve goals while retaining the ability to reflect and control.
  • Diagnosed abnormalities may also turn out to be more significant, even to an extreme degree, preventing independent functioning and performance of social roles.

The inventory itself can be used in the clinical description of personality problems, but it can also be useful for identifying people who are unsuitable for a particular job function.

  • It can be used in the diagnosis of adults who have reached at least 6 years of education formal education.
  • The test should be conducted under the supervision of a psychologist.
  • Approximately 90 minutes should be allotted for the test itself, filling it out.
  • When filling out the test, you should refer to the 567 statements, marking the answers TRUE/FALSE.
  • The completion of the test itself should be preceded by a meeting, about 50 minutes, to collect interview data and present the test to the person being tested.

Within a week, after the visit with the completion of the test, the subject will receive a report summarizing the results obtained.