She expands her knowledge at numerous national and international conferences and symposia.In August 2022, she completed an internship at a psychiatric hospital in Copenhagen, Denmark. Every yearshe represents Poland at the European Forum of Psychiatry Residents.She is chairwoman of the Postgraduate Education Section of the Polish Society ofPsychiatry and a member of the research team of the international study: “Assessmentimpact of the COVID-19 epidemic on mental health." She has written columns in the quarterly journal“Psychiatrist.” She is constantly expanding her knowledge at conferences and training in the field ofpsychiatry, in which she participates both as a listener and lecturer. He treats patientsin Polish and English.Daily, he works in the psychiatric ward of the Wielkopolska CentrumBielawski Neuropsychiatric Center in Koscian. She also helps patients by consulting inPoznan at the Careful Therapy Workshop and at the Psychotherapy Center in Poznan.He accepts only adults (over 18 years of age).