Why us?

We create a new quality in epilepsy treatment! We effectively combine knowledge, many years of experience with the need for constant development and improvement of our treatment methods!

Dr N. Med. Piotr Zwoliński

We focus 100% on the treatment of epilepsy

All of our actions aim to provide the best possible help with this difficult and often life-long illness.

Understanding the disease and its consequences, we provide all patients with comprehensive assistance and care from the best experts who specialise in the treatment of epilepsy.

We are developing our own system equipped with AI tools which supports the patient’s self-monitoring and preliminary diagnosis for doctors. We have our own EEG lab, we train the medical staff and we continue to improve our own competences.

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The NeuroTerminal system

The Neuroterminal is the world’s first comprehensive system of computerised support for the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy. Thanks to the possibility of introducing into Neuroteminal’s memory and to constant updating of the patient’s medical history and events, and then, thanks to the advanced tools, comparing the results with the most up-to-date medical knowledge and international expert recommendations, it is possible to make the most accurate diagnosis and choose the treatment that is compliant with global standards.

Additionally, by using Neuroterminal, every patient has free permanent access to the patient’s panel, which offers the possibility of quick contact with the doctor and an insight into the calendar of events, medical history, notifications, prescriptions or summary of appointments.

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Lekarz przegląda dokumentację medyczną

Panel of experts

Our patients are taken care of by an experienced team of doctors, clinicians and specialists in the field of epileptology, clinical neurophysiology and related areas (e.g. neurosurgery, psychiatry, pediatric neurology), headed by Piotr Zwoliński, MD.

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Ictal robot

The cybernetic Ictal® robot is an authorial solution, based on AI, supporting the doctor in diagnosis and propositions of further treatment of every patient, based on thousands of variables stemming from the whole Neuroterminal® system.

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Zespół ekspertów Neurosphera
Cybernetyczne leczenie padaczki

Affordable prices

The price of a full appointment in the form of a video consultation with a specialist is PLN 200. In return, you receive access to the best doctors, diagnostic support from the Ictal® robot, and free access to the Neuroterminal system and all the benefits coming from it.

Register to find out the price of a visit to your specialist

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Long opening hours, special shifts on weekends and non-working days, a choice of possible interactions with a doctor, in-person appointments, online and wide admission schedules are the basis for our actions. We won’t leave alone anybody who needs help or a consultation behind.

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Childhood epilepsy. What is the diagnosis and modern treatment?

Epilepsy - also known as epilepsy - is one of the most common neurological conditions that can occur in children. According to ...
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ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and AADHD (Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) are neurological dis...
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EEG Examination in Psychiatry – When to Perform It and What Can It Reveal?

Describing EEG studies and reading referrals from psychiatrists, I see that some of you may have uncertainties about the purpos...
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Panic attacks – fear has big eyes

Twoje serce bije mocniej, masz zawroty głowy i uczucie odrealnienia? To może być atak paniki! Dowiedz się więcej o jego przyczynach i formach leczenia
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