
Konsultacja dietetyczna Dietetyk kliniczny jest specjalistą, który ukończył studia wyższe o profilu medycznym lub żywieniowym. Ma obszerną wiedzę, dzięki której układa indywidualny plan dietetyczny dla każdego pacjenta, a także nadzoruje jego realizację. Aby uzyskać jak najlepsze efekty terapii, dietetyk ściśle współpracuje zarówno z pacjentem, jak i z jego lekarzem prowadzącym. W zależności od wyników badań czy uzyskanych informacji wprowadza konieczne modyfikacje do diety.   Kiedy warto skonsultować się z dietetykiem?
  • Kiedy Twój lekarz zasugerował leczenie dietą ketogenną lub myślisz, że taki sposób odżywiania może być dobry dla Twojego organizmu,
  • Jeśli stosujesz dietę ketogenną i chcesz zweryfikować trwające już leczenie,
  • Chcesz odbyć standardową wizytę kontrolną,
  • Kiedy chcesz zweryfikować swój obecny sposób odżywiania.

An adequate amount of uninterrupted sleep is important for the proper development of children – from newborns to teenagers. A healthy night’s rest is the key to good body functioning. During sleep, the nervous system regenerates and the immune system manifests optimal activity. It is also when the child’s brain learns, processes, and organizes information accumulated during the day or fixes connections between neurotransmitters, which positively affects remembering information. Growth hormone is also secreted during sleep.

Find out if your child is suffering from a sleep disorder and how it can be cured.

EEG and VEEG tests

EEG and VEEG tests are the most important tests that help diagnose diseases of the nervous system. They are performed by a specialized technician on the order of an epileptologist, neurologist, or psychiatrist. The test is completely painless and non-invasive. It takes place while the patient is awake, asleep, or asleep – either in an adapted office or at home. The examination is carried out in adults and children.

When is it necessary to perform EEG and VEEG testing?

These are basic tests performed during the diagnosis of epilepsy,
they are used when diagnosing the causes of sleep disorders,
they can be ordered with head injuries,
eye disorders, stuttering, recurrent headaches, fainting or loss of consciousness are also indications.

For more information on EEG and VEEG testing, visit our blog.

Consultation of pregnancy and contraceptive methods.

Consultation of contraceptive methods and pregnancy, both its planning and proper course, is intended for women struggling with epilepsy. The clinical specialist, depending on the clinical situation, will select the appropriate medications and their dosages and advise on the appropriate method of contraception. She will also help plan the pregnancy, as well as safely guide it through the entire process – until a happy termination.

When is it a good idea to schedule a consultation on the contraceptive methods used and pregnancy?

  • When you are struggling with epilepsy and want to get pregnant or are already pregnant,
  • When you suffer from epilepsy and want to choose a contraceptive method that is appropriate for your condition,
  • When you are struggling with epilepsy and want an expert opinion on the medications you are taking,

The WES test is the most innovative and comprehensive genetic test available on the market. It is based on NGS technology, or Next Generation Sequencing. It is used, among other things, when trying to determine the causes of genetic epilepsy, pathogenic changes, metabolic diseases or food intolerances written in the genes. With WES testing, it is also possible to detect even very rare diseases that are not yet under the care of teams seeking gene therapies. Even in such cases, the results of the analysis are helpful in establishing the patient’s symptom plan and determining periodic follow-up examinations.

Diagnosis of epilepsy in children

Epilepsy – especially pediatric epilepsy – is difficult to diagnose. Its diagnosis requires a very large and specialized knowledge of the epileptologist. The process of making a diagnosis at our center begins with conducting a detailed interview about your child’s medical history – the so-called Questionnaire 0. The answers given are analyzed by a cybernetic Ictal® robot and a Clinical Specialist. This way of working will give you confidence that your child will be treated in an effective and safe manner.

When is it a good idea to consult a specialist?

  • When you suspect that your child may have epilepsy,
  • When your child has already been diagnosed with epilepsy, but you want a modern tool and qualified specialists to verify the current form of therapy and select a new and safe treatment.

Diagnosis of epilepsy in adults

Diagnosing epilepsy and then treating it effectively is a long process. It requires a great deal of knowledge and commitment from top specialists. At our center, it begins with Survey 0, a detailed interview about the course of the disease. The answers given are analyzed by a cybernetic Ictal® robot and a Clinical Specialist. This will give you confidence that the diagnosis made will be accurate and the proposed therapy appropriate.

When is it a good idea to consult a specialist?

  • When your symptoms indicate that you may have epilepsy,
  • When you have already been diagnosed with epilepsy, but want to verify your current treatment with state-of-the-art tools and select a new and safe therapy.

Dietary consultation

A clinical nutritionist is a specialist who has graduated from a medical or nutritional university. He has extensive knowledge, thanks to which he arranges an individual dietary plan for each patient, and supervises its implementation. In order to get the best results from the therapy, the dietitian works closely with both the patient and his attending physician. Depending on the results of tests or information obtained, he makes the necessary modifications to the diet.


When is it a good idea to consult a nutritionist?

  • When your doctor has suggested treatment with a ketogenic diet or you think this way of eating may be good for your body,
  • If you are following a ketogenic diet and want to verify the ongoing treatment,
  • You want to have a standard follow-up visit,
  • When you want to review your current diet.


The nervous system – both in adults and children, is responsible for the proper functioning of the muscular and skeletal systems, as well as all organs. Taking care of its proper functioning is extremely important for the functioning of the whole organism – this one is like a system of interconnected vessels. Therefore, it is not worth ignoring the alarming symptoms occurring in your child and, if in any doubt, consult a specialist – a pediatric neurologist.

When should you schedule your child for a neurology consultation?

  • When he has had sleep problems for a long time.
  • When you have noticed problems with your child’s normal gait and balance or speech.
  • When your child has sensory disturbances and marked weakness in muscle function.
  • When you have noticed hearing, vision, smell or taste problems in your child.

The job of a neurologist is to diagnose and treat diseases of the nervous system, that is, the spinal cord, peripheral nerves and brain. Taking care of its proper functioning is extremely important for the functioning of the entire body – this one is like a system of interconnected vessels. This is because the nervous system is responsible for the proper functioning of the muscular and skeletal systems, as well as all organs.

When is it a good idea to schedule a neurology consultation?

  • When you have had trouble sleeping for a long time.
  • When you have noticed in yourself problems with proper gait and balance or with speech.
  • When you experience sensory disturbances and marked weakness in muscle function.
  • When you have noticed problems with your hearing, sight, smell or taste.

Make an appointment for a neuropsychological consultation

Find out what the functioning problems are due to and improve your comfort in life.

Make an appointment for a neuropsychology consultation at Neurosphera. We guarantee short appointments and high-quality specialists.

What symptoms are indications for a neuropsychological consultation?

  • Functional problems arising from head injuries, brain tumors, neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease,
  • Memory and concentration problems,
  • Difficult orientation in the area,
  • Speech disorders,
  • Visual disturbances despite good ophthalmologic test results,
  • Anxiety, mood swings, predictions,
  • Addictions.



Additional services

We have prepared a package of additional services in response to the urgent needs of our patients. Thanks to them, you can quickly send a message to your attending physician and receive a response, request a prescription for needed medications, as well as a special certificate.

What additional services can be used at Neurosphera?

  • Message to the doctor,
  • Issuing a prescription,
  • Issuance of a simple certificate (also in a foreign language),
  • Issuance of a complex certificate (including in a foreign language),
  • Issuance of a very complicated certificate (including in a foreign language),
  • Shipment of documents by courier.



Metabolic consultation

Metabolic consultation is to diagnose rare diseases – inborn defects of metabolism. Their early diagnosis will help avoid severe complications. The doctor will refer for appropriate examinations and laboratory tests, and often also for specialized tests.

When to go for a metabolic consultation?

  • If you have a suspected disease in genetic testing,
  • If tandem mass spectrometry from blood (tandem MS, MS/MS) or organic acid profile from urine (GC-MS test) come out abnormally,
  • You have epilepsy and want to see if it has a metabolic basis.

Consultation for headaches and migraines

Headaches and migraines are ailments that hurt the daily functioning of those affected. Especially since they are recurrent, and the pains are often accompanied by other debilitating symptoms. With proper treatment and support from a doctor, however, it is possible to reduce the ailments that occur.

When is it necessary to consult for migraines and headaches?

  • If you suffer from severe, chronic or recurrent headaches,
  • If you are struggling with migraine headaches or suspect you may have them,
  • When the existing therapy has stopped working and modification of treatment is needed,
  • Other accompanying symptoms such as nausea, neck stiffness, visual disturbances, lowered mood, hypertension, concentration, speech disorders or reduced concentration are also indications for a consultation.

Psychiatric consultation

A psychiatrist helps with a wide range of mental health problems – disorders and diseases. He deals with diagnosis and treatment, and, if necessary, refers for additional specialist consultations in order to have a complete picture of the disease and even more effectively choose the appropriate pharmacotherapy.

When to go for a psychiatric consultation?

  • If you feel sadness, suffering, apathy, lack of energy, helplessness or pessimistic about the future for a long time,
  • Having suicidal thoughts,
  • You have difficulty falling asleep or sleeping through the night,
  • You feel anxiety,
  • You observe in yourself a flurry of thoughts, an unnaturally elevated mood and excessive agitation,
  • You have problems with concentration and memory,
  • You began to avoid contact with people and withdraw from social life,
  • You notice delusions or hallucinations in yourself.



Monitoring VNS therapy

The VNS visit is for patients with an implanted vagus nerve stimulator. During the 15-minute consultation, the doctor checks the current setting and – based on the history of recorded seizures – selects the appropriate VNS therapy. The doctor can decrease or increase the current and increase or decrease the inactivity time of the device.

When is it a good idea to schedule a follow-up appointment for VNS therapy?

  • When VNS therapy provides for a gradual change in current parameters,
  • If you have noticed a significant increase in the number of epileptic seizures, as well as a deterioration in health and well-being,
  • When you notice that the implanted pacemaker stops working, that is, it does not send pulses,
  • If you intend to undergo any medical tests that may affect or be affected by the VNS device, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Genetic visit

The genetic visit is to determine whether you have an inherited disease and what caused the condition to appear. The clinical geneticist also determines the likelihood of the disease in family members – also taking into account future generations. The specialist will not only treat the hereditary disease, but will also extend his help to the whole family – through learning prevention or consultation.

When to consult a clinical geneticist?

  • Your family has a disease with established or presumed genetic causes,
  • You want to do a WES study,
  • You want to rule out a congenital disease that can cause epilepsy,
  • You are planning a pregnancy and want to find out if your baby may also have epilepsy.

Dementia diseases are a serious health problem characterized by progressive cognitive impairment. Symptoms include problems with memory, executive functions, speech and social skills. These conditions are caused by neurodegenerative changes in the brain and can be the result of various diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease or frontotemporal dementia. Diagnosis is based on neuropsychological evaluation and assessment of the patient’s ability to function independently in daily activities. Proper diagnosis and support are key to managing dementia diseases.

ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder), or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a neurobiological disorder that occurs in children, adolescents and adults. Although ADHD is often associated with children, it is increasingly being diagnosed in adults as well.

ADHD in adults is characterized by difficulties in regulating attention, excessive impulsivity and/or psychomotor hyperactivity that affect various areas of life. The symptoms of ADHD in adults may be similar to those seen in children, but may vary in manifestation and impact on functioning.

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