
We carry out our mission using our values as a compass and driving force to find better and better treatments for epilepsy.

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We understand the importance of listening attentively and empathetically to our patients’ problems and stories. Regardless, whether it is only the beginning of the struggle with epilepsy, or another medicine adjustment after years of treatment. We believe that every patient requires an individual approach and care. To a large extent, the success of the therapy will also depend on this. Therefore, we have established a special questionnaire on the disease, which you fill out together with your doctor during the “zero appointment”.

At every stage of treatment, our specialists are available, engaged and ready to give as much support as our patients need or the situation demands. You can write to your attending physician at any time, take advantage of online consultations or send additional materials. We will also remind you of the date of appointments, cancellations and prescriptions! We want to know how you are feeling, monitor the course of your treatment and keep in touch with you!


For over 20 years we have been helping people suffering from epilepsy and proving that it is possible to fight this disease effectively. Around the Neurosphera Epilepsy Therapy Centre we gather outstanding doctors who have devoted their professional lives to fight epilepsy. The medical team is led by Piotr Zwoliński, MD, an epileptologist and specialist in clinical neuropsychology, neurocybernetics and functional neurology.

Effective diagnosis is crucial in the process of epilepsy treatment. Therefore, we have not only a team of experienced doctors, but also modern medical equipment, a diagnostic laboratory and our own technological solutions, thanks to which we can make an effective expertise. We run EEG tests, VEEG examinations lasting several hours (also during sleep). We also have the possibility to carry out examinations on site.

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Medical cybernetics as a support

It is said that the best future is that which you are going to fulfill by yourself. From the beginning of our activity we have been trying to use the most modern knowledge, equipment and technology in the treatment of epilepsy. Often going against the currents, blazing trails, creating new solutions. We believe that neurocybernetics, telemedicine, and the use of the potential of new technologies (including AI and machine learning) are able to significantly improve the effectiveness of therapy and bring it to a whole new level.

Thanks to many years of observations, research and work of many specialists we created our own innovative system NeuroTerminal and the Ictal robot, which supports the work of the doctor. It collects and analyses data, but also suggests the most optimal conclusions and treatment directions. We constantly develop our tools and technology to provide our patients with a new quality of epilepsy treatment!

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Childhood epilepsy. What is the diagnosis and modern treatment?

Epilepsy - also known as epilepsy - is one of the most common neurological conditions that can occur in children. According to ...
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ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and AADHD (Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) are neurological dis...
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EEG Examination in Psychiatry – When to Perform It and What Can It Reveal?

Describing EEG studies and reading referrals from psychiatrists, I see that some of you may have uncertainties about the purpos...
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Panic attacks – fear has big eyes

Twoje serce bije mocniej, masz zawroty głowy i uczucie odrealnienia? To może być atak paniki! Dowiedz się więcej o jego przyczynach i formach leczenia
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