Recruitment for Clinical Trials at Neurosphera Center

The Neurosphera Center in Warsaw announces recruitment for clinical trials of new drugs in neurology and psychiatry. Participation in our research may be an opportunity for modern therapies and access to the latest medical advances. Especially for patients who have difficult, recurrent, and drug-resistant forms of the disease, and current medications do not help.

Why is it worth participating?

  • Innovative Therapies: The possibility of taking advantage of the latest treatment methods that can reduce or completely remove the disease’s symptoms, thus significantly improving the quality of life.
  • Safety and Professionalism: All our studies are conducted according to the highest ethical standards and are subject to rigorous evaluation by bioethics committees. These are completely safe studies.
  • Comprehensive Care: Our center offers comprehensive and multidirectional care, not limited to conducting clinical trials. It is part of the care we provide.

Who can participate?

We invite patients with various neurological and psychiatric disorders who want to try new therapies and participate in developing new treatment methods.

Our Standards.

The Neurosphera Center is not only a center conducting clinical trials.
We are also a leading center for the treatment of epilepsy and other neurological and psychiatric disorders, which confirms our commitment to providing the highest standards of care and medical ethics.

How to apply?

To learn more and apply to participate in the research, contact our center directly. Agata Góra – Clinical Research Coordinator Neurosphera tel…..

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