Make an appointment for a metabolic consultation
Find out if your disease has a metabolic basis and how to treat it.Make an appointment for a metabolic consultation at Neurosphera. We guarantee fast appointments and high-quality specialists.
What symptoms are indications for a metabolic consultation?
Metabolic diseases cover a wide spectrum of disorders, so their symptoms can vary widely. Go for a consultation if you have one:
- Epilepsy with an undiagnosed cause,
- Liver enlargement or dysfunction,
- Progressive mental or motor impairment,
- Joint pains,
- Gastric disorders,
- Suspected disease in genetic testing,
- Abnormal test results, such as tandem mass spectrometry from blood (tandem MS, MS/MS) or organic acid profile from urine (GC-MS test).
How to prepare for the visit?
Bring your medical records for your condition. Your doctor will tell you about any additional tests you might want to do during your visit – they depend on your specific symptoms.
Price of consultation: 500 PLN